Wednesday, April 15, 2009

10 peso version.

Jay and I have pretty much failed at blogging these past two months. We'll try to do better in the future. To catch you up, I'll give you the 10 peso version.

We ate frozen bananas on sticks.

We burned candles.

We cancelled t.v.

We checked out the controversial/ever delayed MetroRail.

We listened to records.

We studied the basics of buying our first home.

We tried a new wine.

We discovered kale.

I went to San Antonio to visit a friend I made in Italy (who's wedding I'll be in this summer!)

We went to a kite festival.

We went kayaking on Town Lake...

...on a very windy day...

...and got front row seats to a crew race.

We watched people play on the "no swimming", a.k.a. "free swimming", side of Barton Springs.

We made friends with a swan.

We met the adorable owners of our favorite coffee shop.

We joined the crowds waiting to see the Congress bridge bats.

David and Alex came to visit.

We had an amazing weekend with our friends at Nigel and Hannah's wedding.

I got an internship at a local staffing agency doing payroll/whatever they want me to do.

We were tempted by our wedding cake.

Our cars were barely missed by a hailstorm that totaled others and prompted every car dealership to run ads announcing their "Hail Sale!"

We met Danny DeVito.

We made an offer on a house, but were beaten by a cash offer.

We missed Easter Mass because I had a fever and Jay didn't want to leave me when I felt so crummy. We settled with reading our "Christian Prayer" book.

Jay bought me "get well" flowers.

Jay turned into a dinosaur and tried to devour the ham before dinner Monday night.

A cute green lizard decided to make our balcony his home.

That brings us up to today. I've been sick all week, but am getting better. Jay is as busy as ever with work, but can "luckily" work from home in the evenings when I would rather him be home than in his office at work. We're looking forward to a funfilled weekend and will hopefully have more to post. 

Have a good rest of the week!


  1. I love that wine! Although I can never remember its name. I just tend to end up mattering, Gertu-what's-it-who's-it.

    Jen, I hope you feel better soon!

    And what a lovely surprise present we got in the mail yesterday from our favorite Austin, Texas friends! That was so sweet of you guys! (I promise to send a proper thank you soon. Once I can find my thank you notes!) But seriously, thanks so much!

    Miss you guys!

  2. Hooray for an update! It looks like y'all have been having a great time and named some of my favorite Austin things! I have to ask, though, what's your favorite coffee shop?


  3. Thank you for the comprehensive rundown! Do I owe you 10 pesos?

  4. I've never been to that place Jenny but it sounds great! Congrats on your job and hope you feel better soon.


  5. I love your update and pictures, but I have just one question: Did you seriously eat your wedding cake?!

  6. ldcarman@gmail.comApril 18, 2009 at 1:14 PM

    I want to know more about meeting Danny Devito - did you get his autograph!

  7. Hey Guys!

    Looks like you're never bored in Austin! You made some very nice pictures! Good luck on buying a house, i don't know what a cash offer is, probably some weird american construction that helps collapsing the world economy :). I guess meeting danny da vito was cool.

    Jennifer, congrats on the internship, is it temporarily or can u stay there?

    I'm also proud to know american people without a T.V. Keep up the good work!

    Miss u guys, talk to u soon!

