Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thought for the day - wind chimes

It's the simple things in life that really make it go from good to great. I forgot how happy wind chimes make me. The sound of the wind rustling through the trees mixed with the delicate little chimes lightly clanging happily together has such a relaxing effect. Surprisingly, they bring on nostalgic feelings, as well… my grandparents’ old farm, the volunteer housing courtyard at Mission Honduras, my backyard at home in Arkansas… all different but equally memorable. Times like this really make me miss my family... We have some sleeping bags and a very nice blowup mattress. (And it even holds air again!) (hint hint)

As I sit on the back porch, sipping my Earl Grey green tea, looking at the cloudless sky, listening to my neighbor’s porch chimes chiming away, I can’t help but realize how incredibly happy I am to be right where I am. Come and join me. I have an open seat and some extra tea.


  1. Love the new blog. I hope everything is going well in Austin, and I can't wait to see you guys in Wilmington next month!!

  2. poetic. I almost cried.

  3. I'm about to make a cucumber sandwich; if you learn how to make them, tea-time will be that much more tempting.


  4. I miss you! I can't wait until I come down. I love you!

